Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Just So You Know

     It's harvest season (as I'm sure you've realized) but there's an unfortunate side effect to this: Stealing.

      This onion is inviting and delicious looking, so much so, that some are unable not to take a few.

     Most people receive a paycheck every couple of weeks or so. A farmer receives one in a year, and much of that has already been spent on what was needed to grow the produce. If everyone that came alone could take a bit of your paycheck, you'd be pretty ticked.

     So while a person might justify their actions by saying that its only one onion or one peach, justifying is all they'll be doing. Stealing is wrong. That said, sometimes there is produce that is left behind for various reasons. Talk to a farmer, (the actual farmer, not just any person that's out there) and they may very well tell you that there is something that you can take or is for sale. It'll probably be cheaper than in the store.
     The point is: Treat your local farmers like human beings. Like you would want to be treated.

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