Monday, August 22, 2011

What Is Happening

     You may recall that I alluded to the fact that I meant to have an article about cutting beans today. I may have been a bit premature on that...

     Because while there are a few bean fields that are cut, the majority remains standing. (In case you were wondering: That row in the middle up there is somebody's sweet corn for eating.)

     A great deal of the farmers of the area are still harvesting wheat or dealing with the stubble. A few will burn the stubble, but most as the field above, will disc the stubble under. Either way the field will be irrigated afterwords.

     Stock always needs this or that. Why this lady is out walking her horses, I do not know. I did make a nice picture, I think.

     Who can identify these tracks? (That odd ring of light is just a reflection off the lens of my camera.) Most animals make a great effort to remain unseen so they can avoid being eaten. They do leave a lot of tracks, though.

     I may have jumped the gun a bit on the bean harvest, (or rather the article about the bean harvest) but there's always a lot going on in agriculture. The bean harvest will gain more momentum quite soon and hopefully I'll be able to get some good pictures of beans being cut.
     Have a great Monday!

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