Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The Garden Plot

     It's going to be another busy week for the author, so it's time for some short (but hopefully sweet) posts.

      Here is a garden plot. Many farms have one, and so do many of my readers. The best food you're going to get is the food you grow yourself. (Provided that you take care of said food.) Above you can see some sweet corn (next to field corn) and some squash.

     It seems like everyone has grow some pumpkins in their garden. They always try to take over. These plants become enormous, and considering the size of a pumpkin, it's not surprising.

     These gardens put one in mind of days gone by, when farmers grew all of their own food. Some, like these choricero (pronounced: cho-de-sher-oh) peppers, can be stored by pickling or some such. Others, like the corn is best strait off the cob, though it can be cut off an frozen.
     Even if you can't have a garden yourself, you can get great fresh foods by buying locally. There may not be much of a market in your area, but the more demand there is, the more local places will pop up. I urge you to make an effort to buy your fruits and vegetables locally. You won't be sorry.

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