Friday, August 12, 2011

Corn Pollination

     The hybrid seed corn is in full bloom. But corn doesn't have flowers, (I believe I've mentioned this before) it has tassels and silk. First the tassels...

     These are tassels, the male inflorescence of corn. Tassels are covered in anthers which are covered in pollen. To make a seed, the pollen has to get to the silk, the hair-like stuff on the ears of the corn.

     This is silk on an ear. It catches pollen and to help in doing so it has little hairs on each strand.

     Can you see them? (Click the picture to get a bigger version) They collect the genetic material stored in the pollen and mix it with their own. Since the pollen comes from a different variety of corn, you get a hybrid seed.

     Hybrid seeds can exhibit traits that are hard to get otherwise. What exact traits the seed company is going for can vary from field to field but may include: increased yield, greater resistance to disease, or even a certain size or shape.
     It's a very complex system involving a lot of biology and such. Well beyond the scope of this site, at any rate. All you need to know, is that corn is delicious, and it just happens to be in season. (in the northern hemisphere, anyhow) Go out and by some (local, if possible) corn this weekend!

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