Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Owyhee Autumn

     My leaves are falling off. Are your leaves falling off?
     Autumn is beginning in earnest here in Owyhee County and that means that my yard is going to be full of leaves. (Walnuts too.)

     It is a world of sounds here at this time of year. Distant sounds drift through the crisp air; The whine of a distant machine, the calls of far off animals. (I heard a donkey this morning.) They try their hardest to make their way through the overwhelming silence. Under the clear sky they come together and make you feel like a very small piece of it all. It's nice, so long as you're keeping warm.
     Autumn is a pretty short season here. Summer stays late and winter, though probably not what you'd expect, is generally eager to take hold. So, it's best to make the most of them while you can. Which is what I plan to do. Hopefully I'll be able to get a few good pictures out of it as well. (like these asparagus berries, maybe)


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