Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Show and Tell

     No central theme today. I'm just going to show you some stuff.

     Pop! The popcorn is ready for some sunshine so it can do some real growing. The wind is back today so maybe it will carry these clouds away so that we can have some rays.

     These beans are taking for-ev-er. I've been holding off on the bean article for quite some time. They're just now tearing the earth asunder so they can straiten out and open their cotyledons. This one is the most developed I could find, though. So the bean post will have to wait. Kind of a mighty little bean to lift such a big clod.

     If I were to give a title to this picture, I would call it: "Peas on Earth." (Because I'm clever like that) Peas are a rarer crop on the farms. Usually they're grown as what's called a "Nitrogen Fixer." All plants need quite a bit of nitrogen. Some of them, like these peas, make more than they use. So you can grow them for a bit, disc them under, and the nitrogen will stay in the soil.

     Lastly, I wish to do a public service announcement. Before you think about tossing your trash out your windows, Think first: "Do I really want to be a big fat jerk?" And well before you toss your beer can out your window, just stop before you drink and drive. Whomever you are, I'm sure I've reached you on a deep level and we can just put all this behind us.
     That's all I have for today. Hopefully I'll see you back here tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Idaho is too great to litter. Thank you for that leaf.
