Thursday, July 28, 2011

This and That

     Doing another update today. (What can I say, I enjoy the variety.) Here's some Owyhee County snippets just for you.

     See them? To be fair, all that you can see is their hats. It's a labor crew, and they're most likely pulling tassels in this corn. The worst part of pulling tassels by hand is the conditions. It's very hot and humid in a corn field and the corn leaves can give you little cuts. You won't bleed or anything, but they itch and can cause rashes. I once got one in the eye...

     Isn't this a lovely bird? This is a Black-necked Stilt. She (he?) was quite displeased with me being in close proximity to her. They live next to the water like this settling pond, where they poke their slender beaks into the mud in order to pick out tasty morsels.

     Here's a ladybug, friend to farmers everywhere. These little beetles eat a lot of aphids. While they never get numerous enough to slow the aphid horde, they limit it's growth, which is a positive thing any way you look at it. (Unless you're an Aphid, that is...)

     Here a pair of California Quail guard their young. These chicks already have wing feathers, and while they're not developed enough to fly, they can gain a little extra thrust when jumping, running, or cornering.

     Last but not least, baling continues. This farmer is creating a smaller bale. They'll be about 80 pounds, making them pretty easy for a person to move by hand. Haying is a constant thing during the summer as different farmers prefer different schedules.
     There isn't a day that goes by that I'm not struck by the beauty of this place. The urge to share it is uncontainable. Still, at least today I remained mostly on topic. I hope you enjoy being shared with as much as I enjoy sharing.

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