Monday, April 18, 2011

Home On The Range.

     So you my have been wondering why I haven't done a post on the ranching aspect of Owyhee County for quite some time. This is mostly because they are farther away. Well wait no longer, today I answer the question: Where have all the cows gone?

     Here's one, (two actually) perhaps trying to look majestic on the skyline. There are many skylines for them to look majestic on, because the cows along with their calves have been turned out into the hills. These are the same cattle as the earlier post, well, the same herd anyhow. This is their home.

     There are some misguided folks who would call these hills a desert. Does this look like a desert to you? The Author might call it more of a steppe. But none of that really matters. What does matter, is that the cattle thrive out here.

     The grazing lands of the Owyhee uplands are partitioned into sections by fences. These sections are quite large and the cows will spread out in smaller herds into whatever section the are put in. Though there will be a small percentage of the cows that have difficulty adjusting from the winter-time feed lot life, for the greater majority of cows and calves, this is the boom time. The fresh and tender spring grass makes them fat and leaves them very healthy.
     Right now the cattle are in the very lowest foothills, but they will follow the trailing edge of spring up the mountainsides until it reaches the highest meadows. That's a post for another day, though.

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